I'm sharing a vintage Valentine from my collection today. As always, it is a high resolution image so you can print and use it for your crafting projects. The children's vintage greeting cards are my favorite and they comprise the majority of my collection. The illustrations are always so cheery!
I have removed the original greeting (A Valentine for Nephew) so you can stamp your own phrase. The bear's hat is actually a feather! I'm thinking of attaching a real feather to the top of the image with a little glue when I use this image in my cards. I don't ever use the original cards; they stay tucked away as part of my collection permanently.
The inside of the card reads:
Here's a little Valentine and what it's meant to do
Is say it's mighty nice to have a newphew just like you!
Uncle Ray and Auntie Rose, 1948
destroyed; looks like it was pasted in a scrapbook at one time.
All vintage card images on this blog are provided for your personal, non-commercial use.