This was a fun project I did at work one day and I know those who love vintage finds will enjoy seeing the finished product. Challenged with creating a holiday-themed display case that would seem right at home at a library, I began my search on Pinterest for inspiration. I was initially going to use my collection of miniature glitter houses and refer to holiday decor books, but then I found a bird house made out of books and the creative light bulb went on!
Each house was made of four old books two for the sides, one for the door and another for the roof. I picked older books from my stash with yellowed pages and fabric covers. I like the aged look of the textures, perfect my favorite theme of evoking fond memories with vintage finds. I propped up the "roofs" with a thin wooden dowel to keep them raised so that there would be a nice peak to their shape.
I finished the houses with pictures from vintage Christmas cards, either copied from the web or from my own collection. Trimmed and then sprinkled with paste and glitter, they are affixed to the book with blue painter's tape.
I did manage to add a few of my vintage glitter houses, deer and ornaments and a few bottle brush trees to add just a little more sparkle to the case. Lastly was an addition of beaded garland and sprinkling of snowflakes. I firmly believe you can never have enough glitter!

The beautiful evergreen trees are actually scans of a vintage Dennison bulletin board decoration that I enlarged, printed and added silver glitter to. The snowflakes are scans of vintage book pages printed on card stock and laminated, then embellished with glitter. The bells are a scan of another vintage card, enlarged.
I really enjoy using old books in crafts and display design. I have a Pinterest board with over 100 pins dedicated to them that you can see HERE. It was a fun display to create, although I had glitter on my shoes for the rest of the day!