
March 1, 2011

Making Your Own Happiness and... Share the Love Link Party #3

We all have those times in our life, when things don't go exactly as you had planned, life sends you a curve ball, or maybe you're just having one of those days.

Your emotions may dip and climb like a roller coaster, you might get frustrated, sad or angry, but you know what you have to do. You have to make yourself  happy.

Who else is responsible for your happiness? Nobody. You can't blame your situation on someone else, because ultimately, you are the only one who can change it up, make a new path and put your energy where it will lead to happiness. Okay, I am getting way too deep here for a blog post! How did I even get on this subject?

I bought myself flowers the other day.

They've really brightened my days; exactly what I was hoping for. Each morning, there they are, bright and cheery--a beautiful start to a new day.

They're just simple miniature carnations, but they sang to me in the store with their bright spring colors and pretty green stems. I brought them home and put them into a pretty McCoy vase {thrifted for a few dollars... can you believe it?} They were a little lost in the wide top of the vase so I added some small tree branches collected after the last storm. They helped space the flowers out nicely, instead of using baby's breath or another type of filler. I think it's a nice contrast, the neutral barren brown, and it sure helped give the arrangement some body to fill out the vase.

When I was arranging them, and then taking photos {because that's what I love to do} they made me think of my great aunt Violet's china that I've had boxed up since I painted my hutch some years ago... the little pink flowers are quite a match. It's the perfect time to bring out these pretties again, I think.

Well worth the few dollars spent, I believe. No more than my favorite drink at Starbucks, and they will last a lot longer. Flowers are the easy way... and a bright start, to begin making your own happiness. So tell me friends, what do you do to make yourself happy?

It's time to Share the Love... on my Wednesday link party! 

Last week, the first link to appear was also the one I wanted to feature! Check out this beautiful pillow tutorial by Trisha at the Sweet Survival.

I love her color choices, and she tells you just how much fabric you'll need and outlines step by step how to make this pretty pillow. I could see these as fabulous gifts, or even using her instructions to make those Mr. & Mrs. pillows you see in catalogs. If you haven't discovered Trisha's blog yet, stop by and check it out.

Now, scroll down & link up the best of your blog on Share the Love #3!
  • Link to a specific post you want to feature, not your whole blog (to do this, click on the title of the post you want to link and it will open on it's own page, then copy that url). Any post will work--no theme!
  • Grab my cute button (code is on my sidebar)  to include in your post or sidebar. text links are fine too.
  • If you have clicked around my blog and like what you see, consider being follower!
  • Try to visit a few other links if you can. Everybody loves comments and encouragement!

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