
March 27, 2012

Share the Love Wednesday Link Party

This has been a busy week for me--lots of projects going on around the house and a busy week at work as well. What have you been up to? Last week's links featured a huge variety of projects, crafts and makeovers. Here's just a few that caught my eye that I wanted to feature.

From the beautiful blue wall color to the painted furniture and sweet accessories, this foyer makeover by Sabrina at Superflous has blossomed into something beautiful! Love the paint? Click over to her blog to learn her inspiration.


A plain brass chandelier becomes a unique way to show off a teacup collection. By adding crystals (gotta love the bling!) and a coat of white paint--this fixture is now a show stopper! Linked up by Danielle at Blessed Serendipity.

We all have those projects that have been sitting around for years... pieces of furniture picked up for a song just waiting for the proper inspiration to become what we knew they could be. I would love to have this chair in my house! To truly appreciate the beauty of the makeover, you have to click over and see the "before" VERSION.

Link up your projects below and please include a link back to the party with a blog button (from my sidebar) or a text link in your post. Let the links begin!

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