
March 29, 2012

Vintage Silver Casserole: Spring Edition

I see these silver casserole sets often in thrift shops. I've picked up several to use in different ways around my home.

I look for details like these carved, ornate legs. The tarnish doesn't bother me. I kind of like the dark rainbow of colors it brings out. The patina only adds to the beauty of the piece.

I decided to use the casserole to hold some tiny pots of baby's tears plants. The combination of silver and terracotta is a nice contrast in color and finish. And the finished look is much better than a plastic pot.

Covered with a glass dome from Hobby Lobby, the light still reaches the plants and keeps the moisture in while the little plants take hold in their new pots.

Stay tuned for more unique ideas for these casserole dishes, or click here for more posts about vintage silver.

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Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground