One of my favorite things to look for in antique shops whether at home or traveling is vintage Christmas ornaments. When buying them individually, they are a small purchase, easy enough to tote home and add to my collection.
Several times, I've been lucky enough to find a whole box of ornaments in the original box at a great price. These cherry-red Shiny Brite ornaments are one of those great finds. I have never found any modern boxes that are as good as the vintage versions. They are lightweight, but still quite sturdy.
I'm just starting to unpack the plastic bins and will make piles of the boxes for decorating later. They're so pretty in their vintage packaging that I don't mind the piles on the side table as they await their turn to be added to the tree. I can't wait to see how they look on my new white tree this year.
I put the prettiest ornaments on first, and then fill in with the plain ones as needed. I do not skimp on filling the tree. The more the merrier when it comes to sparkle and shine!