Yes, those are vintage suitcases and a brown paper package under the tree at the moment! I was fretting about getting {or making} a new tree skirt and as it turns out, the branches on this tree drape just about all the way to the ground. I really don't miss the little stick of a trunk that used to stick out on the old tree! The suitcases and the box hide the tree stand, and I didn't have a chance to put them away anyway. The little white suitcase holds some exercise bands and weights and the other case was on top of an armoire which now holds the nativity scene.

The tree is always the major task in holiday decorating for me, so I am glad it is done and I can enjoy it's beauty for the season. It's typically the first decoration that I put up each year, and the last I take down. For me, the tree is definitely the central part of the holiday decor.
Linking to:
Common Ground Vintage Inspiration
My Romantic Home
Craftberry Bush