A Salvation Army thrift shop in McHenry just a few finds...
The brass deer bookend would actually be fine as is, but it would also be pretty sweet painted shabby white. I've seen this motif so often in the past year. Not sure which direction I will take on it.
My favorite is this little planter--a sweet baby bear pulling a cart. Such a happy little bear and I can surely find something fun to place in that cute little cart! There aren't any marks on the piece so I'm not sure of it's maker. Anybody have any clues?
My next stop was to pick up Gibbs, a 2 year old golden who needed transporting to his foster family. This guy has a bit of a reputation as an escape artist, opening gates (and teaching other dogs the same trick), eating anything (gloves, water bottles, a phone!) and is most definitely in need of a permanent home and some obedience training. I don't always use a crate for transport, many times a safety harness to the seat belt will do. I was forewarned that this job required a crate to keep the puppy out of trouble and ensure a safe trip.

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Brambleberry Cottage