
November 5, 2010

Opinions Please... Vintage Silver Cup Trophy Thingy

So once again, I find myself in the thrift store today for a little end of the week thrift shop therapy. I am beginning to like the look of silver {or silver plate} and I have picked up a few pieces.

Today, I saw this...

 I like it. I like the shape... I like the engraving... I like the look of the shabby silver plate. Then I got closer and saw the price. $19. And I have no clue if this is a good price for something like this.  What do you think? I know at the thrift shop I visit, silver plate is not priced really low.

Then I turned it around and saw this...

There's some engraving on the back... the cup was an award of sorts.

Now I am home, and I didn't buy the cup. But I'm thinking I might go back tomorrow and see if it's still there. I've been thinking of cool ways to use it throughout the year. And, I do really love the shape... and the color. 

What would you do? I'll let you know what happened with this silver cup trophy thingy soon.

UPDATE {11/6/2010}... 
As you can imagine, at 8:55 am this morning, I was at the thrift store before it opened. I could see my intended in the window and was hoping none of the men in line in front of me were into this kind of thing.

I took everyone's advice and got the champagne cooler! I will not call it a silver cup trophy thingy again. I love it. Can't wait to try all of your ideas and post pictures for you all. Thanks so much for helping me make up my mind... you are the best! Click here to see my new treasure!