Some of the houses are in pristine condition and others have windows that are shattered and chimneys that are missing {a tiny Grinch, perhaps?} A few have been altered with additional glitter {oops, couldn't help myself} and others have tiny stains.
This jolly fellow is the only elf in the village. He's quite small, but still about as big as the houses. Hopefully proportion doesn't matter with a display of vintage Christmas decorations; you have to use what you can find, right?
His face is a combination of cute and scary in that vintage decoration type of way.
The trees in this display have been collected over the years as well. This one has some tiny tinsel still attached from another year's display that included some modern touches. That's okay with me... the more sparkle, the better!
There is a mix of houses, some with brick accents and others just with glitter.
And then there is the tiny nativity {complete with plastic holy family} that sits amidst the tiniest of the houses on the top tier of my display. Some may think this old ornament is out of place, but for me it is the basis for this holiday, and even though it sits amongst the glitter and glam of my displays, it is truly the reason for the season, so why not?
Some of the houses are more rustic. I like the green and snow accents on the house above and the cheery red tree topper as well.
The trees on some of the houses almost look like bits of seaweed; I am not sure what they are made out of or why they were substituted for the tiny bottle brush trees on the other houses.
My favorite trees are those sporting a hefty dose of glitter {no surprise there}.
So the village is up, the pinecone elves {see this post} never did get more housing, and I even have enough houses for another housing project under my little white kitchen Christmas tree, which I will share in an upcoming post. Stay tuned by following this blog here or by liking my page on Facebook.