
July 2, 2012

Staying Cool With a Good {Crafting or Decorating} Book

Another day of sweltering heat has me retreating inside to the air conditioning after work. I'm trying to make the best of it by catching up on my reading and get through my list of indoor projects.

A small stack of books always at the ready, Summers in France by Kathryn Ireland sounds particular appealing.

I'm always interested in collecting new paper craft ideas, and Paper Made by Kayte Terry has earned some bookmarks that are saving some creative ideas to try. She has a fabulous paper chandelier project in the book I know you would love.

Normally I would be spending late afternoons in the garden, but it is just too warm. I do manage to keep my favorite plants watered. Those that are not my favorites, the perennials that have taken over here and become invasive, I am not watering those. I'm actually hoping the heat will stall their invasion or (gasp) kill them. I definitely have a list of plants that I would never include in my garden again.

I also manage to bring a few blooms inside each day. This yellow yarrow has proved to be particularly sturdy indoors. The color lasts quite a while, unlike the roses or delphiniums that only seem to last a few days.  

It's not so bad after all, retreating my favorite chair to catch up on my reading!
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