
July 13, 2012

Simple Summer Mantel {Vintage Style}

My mantel this summer has been plain and simple. My chippy window, a small wreath, 2 stacks of old books (turned backwards to minimize the color of the jackets and play up the beautiful pale pages) and a set of vintage silver candleabras.

The candleabras were picked up for a few dollars each the last day of an estate sale. When I brought them home, I simply added them to the mantel, figuring I would find some candlesticks later to add to them. But guess what? I actually like them without the candles. I think adding the candles would have made the mantel a bit more cluttered. So, they will stay empty. I enjoy the beautiful patina of the tarnished silver on it's own.

That was easy! Have a great weekend. Click here to join my weekly link party!
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