
February 7, 2011

Share the Love on Wednesday {A New Link Party!}

I designed a cute new button to kick off a new link party! I hope you like it. The colors reminded me of the lovely geraniums I keep on my deck in the summer, with a touch of robin's egg blue. Can you tell I'm wishing for spring to arrive early?

I'd love it if you would help spread the word about the upcoming party and grab the button for your sidebar!

Get ready... to share the love! Starting this coming Wednesday at 6pm CST, you're invited to share your blogging best!
  • Link to a specific post you want to feature, not your whole blog (to do this, click on the title of the post you want to link and it will open on it's own page, then copy that url). Please no store links, just blogs.
  • Grab my cute button (code is on my sidebar)  to include in your post or sidebar. text links are fine too.
  • I would love it if you would consider being follower!
  • Try to visit a few other links. Everybody loves comments and encouragement!
If you are new at blogging and none of this makes sense--just ask, I'd love to help!

Mark your calendar for Wednesday--(the link will go live about 6pm on Tuesday for earlybirds)...  and Share the Love! If you have no idea what a link party is, stay tuned for tomorrow's post!
sig trans