
April 24, 2012

Vintage Silver Casserole Use Ideas & Share the Love Wednesday Link Party # 59

Welcome back to Share the Love Wednesday! This is a link party where you can share whatever you have a passion for and blog about. It's a great way to find new blogs and find some new followers for your own blog as well.

I have a new use for those vintage silver casserole dishes you see in thrift shops to share today. When I first bought this piece I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it. I had just started to enjoy vintage silver and the price was right. Before I knew it, I found lots of ways to use it around my home.

Using it as a base for a large glass candle holder is how I've been using it lately. It sits in my family room and I like the contrast of the silver against the matte gray painted table.

I have been trying to clear out the clutter in my decor, limiting tabletops to just three or four decorative items at most. Keep in mind that around the holidays, this rule does not apply! Just a small tray of favorite catalogs and magazines (hello Flea Market Style!) and the candle are my choices for this table.

The glass candle holder fits right in the base of this casserole. Check out the tarnish on the bottom. It doesn't bother me a bit! I like the patina and the depth it adds to the carvings on the cute little chubby legs and the rim.

If you're looking for more ideas on using a piece like this, click here to see how I used this same silver casserole in early spring.

Featured this week
Let's kick off Share the Love Wednesday! This link is from a blog called Holiday Sparkle. I have to admit, the blog title sounded like a place I definitely wanted to visit.  These are some gorgeous handmade trees. When you visit Chris' blog, you'll see that she has made these trees for just about all the holidays, including some fabulous pastel Halloween trees that are really unique. She has an Etsy shop, and there is a coupon code for 15% off on her site right now.

Take a few beautiful things, style them pretty, take a good picture. Those are the basics for what makes for a great blog post! Stop over and visit Linda over at Delight to see more gorgeous pictures and ideas.

This next link is from Carol's Picture Blog. The post features her favorite flowers to grow from seed and there are some gorgeous pictures of Carol's flowers and garden. If you have ever wondered if seeds are worth your time, this post will show you that they are!

Share the love and show off your blog with the linky tool below. After linking up your post, if you see a blog post that inspires you, invite the author to join the party. I love to see new blogs and ideas and I know you do as well. Please include a link back to the party either with one of the party/blog buttons on my sidebar or a text link.

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